In recent years, at @CramerLatam we have positioned ourselves as a House of Flavors in Chile and Latin America. To find out how we have managed to increase our participation in the industry, we spoke with Andrea Schwartz, our Commercial Manager of Flavors, who tells us about the trends and strategies that have allowed us to grow over the years.

In Andrea’s opinion, the main reason why Cramer has achieved its leading position in Chile and Latam has to do with its proactive support for client strategies. “The strength of the vision we have as a house of flavors is that we prepare the information that everyone sees with a different lens. Through our work between the technical areas of creation and application, in conjunction with the sales area and FIS (Flavor Innovation Support), we can sometimes present proposals to the client even before they know they need them,” Andrea explains.

Another key reason for the company’s growth has to do with the quality of the products made at Cramer. “The quality of our flavors is extraordinary and the profiles are faithful to what the consumer needs. We know very well what the consumer requires; we know the flavors that are or will be in trend, as well as the flavor profiles that the consumer likes,” the Commercial Manager of Flavors remarks.

Furthermore, Andrea comments that the work done in Latin America to get to know and understand the tastes of consumers regarding the local culture allows the company to create characteristic flavor profiles that reflect and adapt to the gastronomy and culture of each country.

Andrea sums it up like this: “What we offer lives us to what we promise. The technical work that is done to develop the flavor profiles is a fine job.”

Looking to the future: challenges, trends and new technologies

“There has been a very large growth in the need for natural flavors in the market,” Andea explains, for what is considered clean or friendly labeling by companies, and the search for more natural and less artificial products by consumers. “For this reason, through our research area we are focusing on expanding our collections of natural flavors.”

Another challenge arises in the field of legislation. “For example, nowadays both sugars and sweeteners are scrutinized, and it is an area that we must continue to explore, in order to offer sweet flavors that help the consumer perceive sweetness without increasing the use of sweeteners and sugars,” Andrea explains. She continues, “furthermore, it would be interesting for companies to gradually begin to lower the sweetness of their products, so that consumers, and especially children, become accustomed to less sweet flavors.”

At Cramer, the way we face new challenges is key; it clearly makes a difference, and allows us to maintain our leadership within Chile and Latam. “We are always open to applying new technologies, we participate in international events such as conferences and training and refresher courses, and we constantly visit Latin American countries to stay up to date with the trends, etc.,” Andrea explains. As an example, she mentions that they are currently working on updating sensory evaluation methodologies for consumers.

However, the key is to stay up to date on new trends, advances, methodologies and technologies, in order to be able to face our challenges with all the tools available in the world of science and flavors.


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